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More than just a t-shirt

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More than just a t-shirt

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[text_box width=”85″ position_x=”50″ position_y=”20″ position_y__sm=”15″]

Probably the best t-shirt you’ll ever wear

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Our designer t-shirts are probably the best t-shirts you’ll ever wear.
Just as your DNA makes you unique, our t-shirts are unique as well. Each t-shirt is hand made to order and has a unique collection number and security code. This makes each one different from all the others.

Our online authentication system verifies the t-shirt as a genuine DNA item, making our t-shirts fake proof. This process also locks the t-shirt to the owner, making it truly personal to the owner.

Hand made in limited collections, these are rare, collectable, fake proof, wearable t-shirt art.



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[text_box width=”75″ position_x=”50″ position_y=”50″]


ONLY 500

will ever be made



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[text_box width=”75″ position_x=”50″ position_y=”50″]


ONLY 3000

will ever be made



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Welcome to DNA

British designer t-shirts, the finest you’ll ever wear.

Limited edition collections all have a unique collection number engraved onto the sleeve.
With the security certificate you can register the t-shirt in your name in our web site.
This authenticates the t-shirt as a genuine DNA item and locks the ownership to it’s owner.
A bit like ‘block chain’ but with t-shirts, which also makes our t-shirts fake proof.
. . .  and no one will ever have the exact same t-shirt as you.


[title style=”center” text=”EVERY ONE IS UNIQUE” margin_top=”30px” size=”110″]


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[featured_box img=”9403″ inline_svg=”0″ img_width=”100″ pos=”center” title=”T-Shirt Sleeve plate” margin=”px px px px”]

All t-shirts have our signature shiny metal plate rivited to the sleeve.
Our limited edition collection have unique collection numbers engraved onto them.  


[col span=”4″ span__sm=”12″ animate=”fadeInUp”]

[featured_box img=”9402″ inline_svg=”0″ img_width=”100″ pos=”center” title=”Owners certificate” margin=”px px px px”]

On the owners security certificate is the same collection number.


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[featured_box img=”9404″ inline_svg=”0″ img_width=”100″ pos=”center” title=”Security code” margin=”px px px px”]

On the reverse side of the owners certificate is a security code hidden behind a scratch panel. The owner can revel the security code to register the t-shirt in their name. 





[title style=”center” text=”Only genuine DNA t-shirts can be registered” tag_name=”h4″ margin_top=”5px”]

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